01 July 2010

Selected Snpd - Day 4 (#2)

Day 20100701 Thu

If on Day Two I took the easy way out, come Day Four I might as well flat out cheat. Today's Something New Per Day is "Somethings"NPD, because late at night, after I'd annointed a Chosen Snpd, an incident with-- shall we call it a duck?-- a duck made me laugh too hard to ignore that this was definitely something new in my day.

You're not getting the story. Sorry if that stings. I won't soften the blow by saying "You had to be there to get." I'll instead admit, "Eh, probably wasn't funny," but why resist a late-night giggle? In my defense, I was hardly the only one quacking up.

(Did you like that-- what I did just there? If so, you might be my youngest brother. He's the only adult I know who quacks up at puns.)

I present to you... a duck.


  1. LOL This does look like a duck! BTW, I don't know if you did this on purpose or not, but the only way for users to post comments is to click on the "xxx comments" link, so some might not know how to do it.

  2. Oops, no that's unintentional, Ian. Thanks for telling me. (Adding to *fix* list)

    C, I know! It's just heartrending. We ended up slicing a little off his bottom so he could stand. If you ask me, that was even more distressing.
